Right clicking in the CAD view exposes a pop - up menu with numerous display options.
右击在CAD期暴露了 弹出式 菜单中的许多显示选项.
互联网To edit the field's reference, right - click the field and choose Fields from the pop - up menu.
要修改该字段的提示, 在字段上击右键,然后从 弹出式 菜单中的选择字段.
互联网The view here pop up menu appear with snapshot already highlight.
互联网System tray pop up menu for easy access to main functions.
互联网Select the cells to format, then right - click and select Number Format from the pop - up menu.
选择需要格式化的单元格, 单击鼠标右键,选择快捷菜单中的数字格式.
互联网Remove unwanted dimensions by selecting Remove Dimension from the index display's pop - up menu.
互联网Select Format > Text or right - click on the shape select Text from the pop - up menu .
选择格式>文字或右键点击形状,然后从 弹出式 菜单中选择文本.显示文本对话框.
互联网Right - click and choose Fields from the pop - up menu.
右 键点击 并从弹出菜单里选择字段.
互联网Right - click anywhere on the page and select Page from the pop - up menu.
互联网Right - click on a form control within your document and select Control from the pop - up menu.
互联网Use the Focus pop - up menu or click arrow button next to a folder in the list.
互联网To remove an NI - DAQmx simulated device , right - click the device and click Delete from the pop - up menu.
如果要移除 NI -DAQmx模拟设备, 在该设备图标上单击右键,并在弹出菜单中选择Delete即可.
互联网Right - click in the table and then click Number Format on the pop - up menu.
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